Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I have a really good feeling about 2012 and my only resolution is to keep in mind "don't dream it DO it"!! That kind of covers everything! This is also the year when I will marry my lovely fella of four years who has been an inspiration and the person who gave me the confidence to go for it. If it wasn't for him I'd never have had the courage to put myself out there so thank you Gary Wheeler!!
I've really enjoyed collaborative work this year in exhibitions such as the Matchbox show and individual mail art as well as one of my favourites the doodleswap. If anyone wants to collaborate in any way or swap some mail art don't hesitate to get in touch! (tankenska@hotmail.com)
Oh yes and really pleased to have been told I will be in Images 36, the AOI's Best of Illustration for the year. So in 2012 let's all do what we love and love what we do, good things will happen!