A memory a day - 2 - Pencil Presents

Around 6 years old - We'd just moved to Norwich from Leeds. It was a quite odd higgledy piggledy house, with the kitchen in the basement, an orange formica table where I would be eating my heinz spaghetti and fishfingers on blue rimmed NHS plates for some time to come. A teeny tiny bedroom with roses on the wallpaper, big rooms with dirty windows onto a noisy road with roaring trucks, and a beautiful long garden with a ramshackle wendy house and chickens.
The day we moved in I remember two things. One was seeing a small girl playing in an old tin bath at the bottom of the garden next door(soon to become my childhood friend until we lost touch when we moved a few years later)
The second thing I remember is being surrounded by boxes and tea chests when I was given a Holly Hobby Coloured Pencil set. Funny the things you remember.... Wow I loved those pencils!