A memory a day - 21 - Prickly Pear Pilferers

A rather less irksome memory than the last one! Again still on the Italian Volcanoes holiday(around 11 years old), at a campsite on the island of Lipari. I had yearned for this pair of delicious shorts printed with beautiful prickly pears. They were pretty pricey but my dad bought them for me agreeing they really were rather fabulous. After one wear they were washed and put on the washing line of the campsite where they were stolen by a cruel but presumably rather stylish pants thief. I loved those shorts, sigh...


Evan Carlinsmith saidā€¦
I love the way you use colour in your work.
Ella Goodwin saidā€¦
Thanks Evan! I'm trying to keep it simple with this project, it stops me overworking things hopefully!

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