A memory a day - 4 - Tripod the Cat - beware gruesome content!

Tripod the cat - so named because she only had 3 legs, no one remembers what her name was before becoming tripod so perhaps it was meant to be. I believed for years she had lost her leg getting caught in the bedsprings so I always had a somewhat horrific picture in my head of poor Tripod's accident.
It turns out she got runover, my mother swears she actually told me Tripod got her leg caught in barbed wire a the end of the garden, thinking this would ease my mind rather than the idea of metal monsters on wheels squashing poor Tripod. Somehow my mind interpreted that as the shortly before for this picture here, poor love, stuck under the bed entwined in curly wire.
Tripod was a truly amazing feline though, running around like any other quadruped. You'd think she hadn't even noticed the missing limb the way she took it in her stride (scusing the pun!)
I knew sister cats who were eventually redubbed "Fat Cat" and "Tripod". Poor "tripod" survived first a fox trap, and second falling into a barrel of diesel fuel. Both lived late into their teens and continued to be hunters.
I knew sister cats who were eventually redubbed "Fat Cat" and "Tripod". Poor "tripod" survived first a fox trap, and second falling into a barrel of diesel fuel. Both lived late into their teens and continued to be hunters.