A memory a day - 27 - Mrs Hagg

My art teacher in the 1st year of secondary school was called Mrs Hagg. And boy she did live up to her name. Uninspiring lessons drawing shoes and bricks. The most excitement there ever was was when a fellow pupil wet herself as she hadn't been allowed to go to the toilet poor girl. I never did particularly well and ended up steering away from art and becoming far more engrossed in sewing and making for quite some time.
My path went from making my own clothes, a job costume making, then embroidery by hand, then digitally. And it was then that I discovered digital art and interactive animation which opened up a whole new world. After an animation degree and an MA in Animation (to my disbelief I got a distinction!) I have come full circle to where I was as a wee child who loved to play with pencils and stationary. Funny how things evolve.... Oh and thanks to Gary my beloved who thought this was a picture of me!!