Percy The Cat Dresses added to the shop

The first five dresses are now in the shop. They're all one offs using vintage fabric combined with Percy the cat fabrics designed by me and printed by Spoonflower. These ones are all a size 12-14 with a 38 inch bust and 30 waist. All these fabrics have a nice stretch, are really comfortable and all the dresses are a super flattering shape. After being a costume maker before following my path into design and illustration I have always made my own clothes. People often ask where they're from so this is why I thought I'd make a line to go in the shop. They're cute and kitsch, well made and all a hundred percent unique. 

If you like the style but would like something in a fabric of your own or one chosen from Spoonflower or elsewhere in your size just drop me a line to discuss custom dresses.


Kelsea Echo saidā€¦
These are so super cute! Especially the blue one with the peter pan collar. =)
animella saidā€¦
ah thank you Kelsea!
Hanna saidā€¦
I adore the green dress! So cute!
animella saidā€¦
Thanks Hanna!

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