The Secret Life of the Cat - Theresa Trapeza and Candyfloss Joss

Still continuing obsessions with the circus I thought I would put together a Coney Island Circus Sideshow inspired illustration. I started this off for the doodleswap so the original drawing will be chopped up and sent to doodlers around the globe. But this coloured version is available as an A4 and A3 print here.

If you're in the UK you may have watched Horizons "The Secret Life of the Cat". Camera's and GPS were put on the cats to track what they do when we're not looking. Well, those cats were far too savvy and fooled the makers into thinking all they do is wander around yowling and stealing each others food so this is my version of events with Theresa Trapeza and Candyfloss Joss!


Kitty Ailurophile saidā€¦
Ella, your work is wonderful! And I can see you are an ailurophile ;)
animella saidā€¦
Thanks Kitty! Yes you could say that! :)

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