Free downloadable PDF for a DIY Mothers Day Card - Pop up Percy!

It's a little early but I thought I'd give some time to make it!(it could of course be used for a different occasion as there's no text- you can do that bit!) You can download the template here. You can print it out with colour or why not colour the black and white version yourself!

It's a really simple pop up but here are some instructions just in case!

Print and cut out the template

Crease on the fold lines indicated by the dashes on the guide.

Line up with grass lines and stick down by his belly onto the card.  Hey presto pop up Percy! Enjoy! 

This is not for commercial use - Ā©

Many Mothers Day friendly gifts and cards are also available in the shop here.


marysummer saidā€¦
PDF for a DIY Mothers Day Card is very awesome. nice sharing!
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