"No, no, no, I'm overdue, I'm really in a stew" said the white rabbit!
Gosh it has been so long since a post, my sincerest apologies for being so tardy. It has been a super hectic summer. I tend to update Facebook and Instagram daily so please come over and follow for ridiculous pictures of Tiger and Chewbacca alongside my work!
So I submitted my work to the Society of Feline Artists Annual Show and all three pieces were accepted. I was a bundle of nerves on the day because everyone else was showing their hyper real totally amazing paintings and there's me with some daft cats dressed up as acrobats! The show is on at the Llewellyn Alexander Gallery in London from the 21st of August to the 19th of September so please do pop along! It's just down from the South Bank where there is also always soooo much going on so worth a great day out :)
Here are two of the watercolours I submitted, I shall get better photo's of them in their frames at the show! -
I also went to Boomtown Fair again this year, a totally amazing festival with so much going on you simply can't do it all so always feel the need to go back as soon as you get home.
I have been working on numerous bits and pieces which are now available in the Etsy shop from rabbits hitching lifts on owls to hanging basket flower ladies. It's been a lovely summer of experimentation! Next I want to really tone down my colour palettes but it's been fun playing with watercolour.

So now I am having to think about Christmas and card designs..eek! Here was a recent play with Percy and his antlers, lots more coming up soon -
I also did a stand at Norwich Body Art Festival last weekend which was fantastic! I was testing the water a little to see how my work might go down, well it seems the beautiful tattooed ladies and coiffured chaps were pretty keen! Thanks so much to all those who bought work and for all the lovely comments. I am looking into Brighton Tattoo for next year so fingers crossed for that one! This fella below was quite popular :)
So apart from upcoming shows in November at House Cafe in Norwich, Free Spirit Day at the Forum where I shall be exhibiting, and a piece for a Day of the Dead Show in California too there's not much else on ;) Oh... hang on! I'm going to Japan in three weeks, sooooo excited for this one!