Miniature Sewing Machine and Cat Doll Seamstress
I am working on my room for a wonderful exhibition at The Castle Museum in Norwich called Small Stories which will be a dream for all those as obsessed as I with Dolls Houses! Initially at the V&A's Museum of Childhood -
I am thrilled to be making one of 22 rooms which will make an eclectic wall of rooms within the show.
So here is a little work in progress. I am making a sewing room... a cats sewing room... no surprise there then!
As you can see whittling wood soon equals hands covered in plasters for a klutz like me! The machine is from Balsa wood chopped up with a scalpel. I'd not done this before so it really was a case of making it up as I went along having tried out clay without good results!

The legs and table are all balsa wood too and the wheel is stolen from my sons lego box. The tin is from a model shop but in hindsight I could have used a coke can.
And here she is the lady herself being introduced to her machine for the first time, I think she approves :)
I changed her head so she is far more delicate now! (sorry old head!)
More to come soon.....